Monday, June 13, 2011

A Fitting End for Mr. Edisons

Way back yonder (ok, Jan. 2010) I wrote about how my now former boss was so enamored of the little Thomas Edison busts he used to give out in management meetings that he was shocked that an employee didn't take her statues when she left the company, even though he had fired her!

I wrote then that I thought best to keep my 6 "Eddies" displayed proudly in my office even though the company no longer gave them out and few people knew what they were for (umm, can you say turnover?).

After I left the dysfunctional place earlier this year, I had those damn heads sitting on my dining room table as I decided a just fate.

Sell them? Nah, too much effort.
Trash? No, they needed a punishment to suit the crime.
Shoot them? Why, yes.

While I originally thought I'd bring them to a range and blast their little plaster faces away; another, perhaps more fitting end presented itself.  They are now part of an outdoor paintball shooting range! Yes, rotting away while facing daily assault. 

Rather fitting.

Pics to come if I get back out there to capture the indignity of it all.

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